Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Science and Technology Projects on Display January 27

Sunday, January 27

Come see the work of students in the 6, 7 and 8th grades on Sunday, January 27. As we begin Catholic Schools Week, projects from Science classes will be on display after the 9:00 mass. Projects will be in the side hallway by the 7th grade homeroom.

The 6th grade students have completed individual science fair projects. The students worked hard designing experiments, writing papers, creating display boards and giving talks about their projects. Topics for the projects:
* exploring the evaporation of dry ice
* making a hotter pizza oven with different materials
* investigating heat loss of water in different size containers
* examining a dwarf hamster's movement through a maze to find seeds
* testing what age of yeast makes a higher loaf of bread
* analyzing rates of evaporation of salt, sugar and tap water
* comparing coffee grounds to another fertilizer for corn plant growth
* testing plant growth with water, milk and a soft drink
* determining what type of potato will power a potato clock the longest
* testing bridge strength in bridges built with different types of wood
* comparing the brightness of glow sticks in hot and cold environments
* testing plant growth when plants are given orange juice

7th Grade has been studying life science. The students have created a virus replication display and a large color-coded DNA model.

The SimCity projects are completed! 8th grade students will have a print of part of their computer-designed city posted next to the model that they built of the city. Models had to be constructed of 100% recycled materials. Each group also wrote an essay to explain their city design.