Wednesday, October 10, 2007

6th Grade Science Fair Information

A set of Science Fair documents were sent home on October 5. Here are the deadlines for Science Fair.

Science Fair Deadlines

10-22-07 Submission of at least two ideas with experiment plans
10-25-07 Deadline for final approval of project
11-13-07 First part of written report due
12-05-07 Draft of research part of paper and references due
12-18-07 Experiment completed; written summary of results due
1-09-08 Science Fair papers due
1-11-08 Plans for display boards due
1-17-08 Notes for oral presentations due
1-22-08 Deadline for completion of display boards
1-22-08 All project materials and display items due at school
1-22-08 Oral presentations begin
1-25-08 Viewing of projects by other school classes
1-27-08 Science Fair open to the public (the Sunday of Catholic Schools Week)
1-28-07 Projects taken down and sent home with students