Friday, August 31, 2007

7th Grade Homeroom and Science News

I teach Science for grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, Pre-Algebra for 8th grade students, and Algebra for 8th grade students.

6th Grade Science Fair - Students will design and carry out individual science fair experiments. I am working on a complete schedule and will send details and deadlines when they is finalized.Class discussion about science fair will begin in September.

7th Grade NASA Lunar Plant Growth Project. NASA has designed a school project using
basil seeds that have spent the last year on the International Space Station being
exposed to the temperatures and conditions that exist in space. I have requested some of the seeds and envision the class working together on the NASA project.

8th Grade Future City Competition. In this design project, teams of students use
computers to plan a city at least 100 years in the future and then build a scale model of part of their design. Mr. Hall would be involved with this, helping with technology and providing guidance throughout the project.

Caroline Ong